The currency of Turkey is Turkish Lira (TRY or TL in Turkish).
1 Euro almost around 7 TL. The exchange rate changes daily depending on the national and global economic developments.
There are 6 banknotes of TL (5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 TL), 6 coins (1 Lira, 50, 25, 10, 5 and 1 Kuruş which refers to cents) 100 kuruş is equal to 1 TL.
You can change Euros or US Dollars in exchange offices you may find almost everywhere in towns. Banks can also change your money but their rates and commission policies do not make them a real option except emergency cases. Exchange offices are open 6 days a week from around 09:00 till 17:00. Opening hours may differ according to the season and the town. Some jewelry shops also change money. In order to get a realistic and updated rate you better follow the rates time to time.
Still another option for getting your pocket money is ATMs that you will find at almost every corner. ATMs accept most of the international debit and credit cards. The most common ones are Visa and Maestro or Mastercard.
If your family would like to send you money and if you don’t have a bank account, then you can find several Western Union offices that you can get your money quite easily.
You should be aware of the fact that Turkey might not be as cheap as you have been thinking of. Food and some basic things may be cheaper than many other European countries, but you will notice soon that there are many things especially electronics that are more expensive than many other countries.
Figures and prices also change from town to town. For instance, Istanbul is considered to be one of the most expensive towns in Europe, whereas Izmir can be more reasonable for many things. In the same town, as in other countries, you will find different places with different pricing policies. You will have the chance to explore from where you should shop or on which days it is cheaper to go to the cinema as there may be promotions for students and young people on certain conditions. Staying around where the other students are hanging out might help you at the beginning.
Cost of Living
T-shirts: 7-70 TL
Tennis socks: 2-10 TL
Jeans: 100-300 TL
Shoes: 100-350 TL
Sports Shoes: 150-350 TL
Going out
Movie Theatres: 15-25 TL
Local Bus: 2,5 TL (OW)
Pizza: 15-20 TL
Big Mac Menu: 10-15 TL
Cola (at Cafe): 3-5 TL
Entry to disco: 10-25 TL
Rock concert: 10-25 TL
Daily costs
Shampoo: 5-10 TL
Toothpaste: 3-7 TL
Deodorant: 4-10 TL
Stamps: 0,80-1,5 TL
Bus: 3,5 TL
Photocopies: 40-80 Kr
Tennis (p/month): 100-150 TL
Swimming p/m: 100-150 TL
Bowling p/game: 15-25 TL
Costs for family
1 liter of milk: 2,5 TL
1 loaf of bread: 1,5 TL
Heating (p/m): 300 TL (per month)
Electricity: 70 TL 3