Traditional Turkish family has included not only the parents and children, but also grandparents living under one roof, i.e. the so-called extended family. In the larger cities, however, the nuclear family with only parents and children living together is becoming more common. This is mainly due to Western influence with its focus on individualism and the different roles the parents have in the nuclear family versus their roles in the extended family.
Traditionally, the roles, in rough, of the parents in a Turkish family are divided so that the father is the provider – he is the one who brings home the money and provides the family with the materials needed to uphold a comfortable living hood.
Traditionally the mother takes care of the house and the family. She manages the money earned by the father and takes care of the upbringing of the children – with the help of the grandparents.
The traditions behind the extended family are also among the reasons for the situation of women in Turkey, which, sadly, is not optimal. In principle, and according to Turkish law, women and men are equal and in the case of a divorce, for instance, the belongings are to be divided equally between man and woman. However, this is not always the case. Though, women going to work are not an unusual sight in the major cities (approximately one third of all lawyers and academics are women), while the picture is very different in the rural areas.
YFU Turkey places the exchange students according to the YFU International Basic Standards. It is important for us to host the students in a comfortable environment, where they will feel at home.
YFU Turkey mostly places the students in Ankara, İstanbul, Izmir or Adana, where YFU Turkey has its local representatives.
A typical host family is defined as a nuclear family: parents and 1 or 2 kids. There are also some host families of single parents living together with their children or parents without any child.
Since the family culture is quite strong in Turkey, no matter the age, the children generally live together with their parents, unless they study or work in another town.
Families generally live at apartments with 3-4 bedrooms. Depending on the number of host siblings, exchange students may share room or have his/ her own room.
YFU Turkey provides all necessary support to the students and the host families in order to facilitate the adaptation process. Volunteers and area representatives will be ready at any time to help the family and the students.
You will receive information about your host family before you leave your country. It is anticipated that you contact your host family before leaving for the program, which would give you a better idea about the people you are going to live with.